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Making Things and Breaking Things


Hello Friends,

📷A couple of weeks ago we spent an afternoon recording with Keith Thomas at Ivy River Studio. So far we've done all our recording in Rick's basement, learning and cursing as we go. It's been difficult and fun and we've learned a lot. All that being said, I can't say enough about what an incredible experience it is to record on excellent equipment with someone who has already done the learning and the cursing. Now it's just pure fun. And happily it means that we will finish our long in the works second album in far less time.

This Saturday, March 23rd we are playing at The Native Kitchen in Swannanoa from 6:30 to 8:30. If you're looking for some music and really great food this weekend, come check it out. It's a gem in Swannanoa, lacking only in tourists and downtown parking. Win/win.

📷And now my friends, it is story time. The last time I wrote to you, I told you about the radio show in Statesville that we were about to do. Well we did and it was super fun. But that wouldn't be a very interesting story, now would it? Stories are more interesting when unexpected things happen, and something very unexpected happened indeed. Wait for it.....I broke my ukulele half an hour before we were to go on air. Yes I did. How, you ask? I am embarrassed to tell you that I fell on it—and no I was not drinking—and essentially snapped its neck off with my posterior. Dang, you say. Yup. It was a moment.

So here is what happened next....I saw the looks of shock and horror on my band mates faces a split second before I realized what had happened, I then commenced to curse loudly and vigorously, and then quickly decided to A. not cry and B. pull myself together. What happened next is this—Terrell gave me a hug, Josh assessed my broken uke and assured me it could be fixed, Rick ran with me to a music store that was two blocks away where I bought a uke for the show, we ran back and Josh tied it on me with a piece of rawhide and away we went.

All this is to say that they had my back and for that I am very grateful. We had a great radio show anyway and now I have a good story to tell. And happily my ukulele is fixed and sounds better than ever, just as Josh predicted it would. It is stronger for breaking, as are we.

Hope to see some of your beautiful faces this weekend.

~Elfy, 3-18-19




2021     •  The Scatterlings are an Asheville, North Carolina-based Americana band

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